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Chakra Healing Kinesiology

Dive into the beautiful healing energy of the seven main Chakras in this intermediate level course to deepen your understanding of their function, energy and purpose.​


Understanding and working with the spinning vortexes of energy that are the Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras will help you and those you work with thrive in daily life – providing support at all levels. You'll experience in-depth learning about the physical, emotional and spiritual properties of both the major and minor chakras in this energy system. You'll learn how to facilitate healing and transformation for yourself and others by unlocking untapped potential and clearing blockages.


Read more below on how Chakra Healing Kinesiology will help you learn how to raise your energetic vibration by tapping into the beautiful energy of the Chakra System.

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What you'll experience

♥ Be amazed at how simple and easy it is to raise awareness, shift energy and balance chakras.

♥ Master the chakra fields including their element, identity, primary issue, purpose, rights, shadow qualities, life issues, development and even planets, astrology and archetypes plus to much more.

♥ Delve into the Minor Chakras and how fascinating and intricate these are to work on and the huge shifts they can achieve and assist realigning the Major Chakras.  

♥ Feel the energy move through your hands, body and soul during this nurturing and fun weekend and enjoy tuning into and offering loving healing to yourself and others. 

♥ Learn the practical steps you need to take to strengthen and realign your chakras including crystals, essential oils, foods, affirmations and other activities that provide the most benefit for each chakra. 

♥ Tap into Gland energy and understand how our Endocrine Glands connect to our chakras and influence the energy in our bodies.

♥ Discover our unique and powerful way to balance and heal the major and minor chakras using a variety of techniques to jeep you feeling open and present in life. 

♥ Enjoy balancing and restoring good health to the body, relieving stress and anxiety, empowering yourself and others, revitalising the physical body and bringing about the development and awareness of mental, emotional and spiritual balance.

♥ Watch and experience your Instructor connecting and demonstrating a kinesiology Chakra and Minor Chakra balance so you can witness the full process first hand.

♥ On day two, enjoy bringing all the components of this uplifting and energy packed course together as you feel and work your magic, with other participants, through the chakra energy systems.

♥  At the conclusion of day two, you will feel uplifted, inspired and connected to all of your chakra energy fields and be confident balancing the full Chakra energetic system on others.

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Just some of the remedies you work with in this course

Acupressure points

Oracle/Healing cards


Wellbeing Oils


Clearing Spray



Flower Essences

Essential Oils

What you'll learn

★ The location, colour, element, identity, primary issue, purpose, rights, shadow, sense, body, development, sound, astrology, archetypes and planets of the 7 major chakras - Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye & Crown. 

★ What areas each chakra governs in the physical body including the endocrine gland.

★ Type of chakra energy imbalance - over-active or under-active.

★ Connected to Minor Chakras, their meaning, and how to test for imbalance. 

★ The qualities and life issues of each chakra.

★ Emotional indications of a balanced and imbalanced chakra.

★ How to identify when a chakra is out of balance through muscle reflex testing and why the chakra is imbalanced.

★ How to age recess and tap into the area of involvement.

★ Full step by step balancing procedure for Chakra Healing Kinesiology including an easy to follow session template to use on clients or yourself.

★ Skills and techniques to communicate and connect openly and genuinely with your client to build trust, open up their heart and allow them to feel (which is all part of the healing as 'feeling is healing').

★ Lots of practice time on massage tables with other workshop participants using the full Chakra Healing Kinesiology balance protocol to master the process and practice using all the different remedies to assist others healing as well as obtain beautiful healings yourself. 

Course Details, Accreditation and Assessment

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A clear, comprehensive, step-by-step 100+ page colour training manual with Kinesiology Balancing Protocol and Session Sheet template.


The investment for Kineasy is $800 including GST. This includes attendance at the course, training manual and any certificates attained.

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Kineasy Intro Course


Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours

This Course will give you: 16 hours of attendance and 31 hours of proficiency.

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Attendance: 16 hours

This course can be facilitated as either two full days from 9.00am to 5.30pm both days, or across three days from 9.15am to 2.45pm each day.


Course hours:

16 hours face-to-face in the classroom

15 hours out of class time, which includes a multiple choice  and short answer assessment and 6 case studies.


Total Course Proficiency hours = 31 hours

This Chakra Healing Kinesiology Course is a prerequisite course for the following advanced courses as part of the EMK Modality Study pathway:

  • Transpersonal Chakra Kinesiology

  • Aura Balancing Kinesiology

  • Practitioner Certification Training Program

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Students will be required to demonstrate competency in oral, practical and multiple choice assessments with a 75% pass mark. Six case studies and a multiple-choice assessment must be completed post course to obtain proficiency. A Certificate of Attendance will be issued via email 16 hours after completion of class face-to-face hours. Once successful competency requirements have been met, a Certificate of Proficiency will be issued via email.

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Accreditation hours:

  • By The Bay Kinesiology – 31 hours

  • Australian Kinesiology Association – 26 hours Category B

  • Australian Institute of Kinesiologists – 26 hours


Please note: the Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology™ Modality Practitioner Certification is independent, Trademarked and Copyright to By The Bay Kinesiology. 

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