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Meet Wendy Cramer

Certified Kinesiology Practitioner, Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology & Touch for Health Kinesiology


Certified Instructor, Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology & Touch for Health Kinesiology

Hello and welcome to Thrive MBS. I'm passionate about empowering people with healing tools and techniques that have a profound effect on wellbeing at all levels – mind, body and spirit.


Whether it's to support your own wellbeing, to teach you how to help your family and friends, or even to give you the tools to kickstart a whole new career, I would love to work together with you to achieve your wellbeing goals and live your best life.


Do you need more energy? Is there a personal or professional goal that seems just out of reach? Are physical symptoms holding you back? Do you suffer from stress or corporate burnout? Or do you need support to navigate a major life transition?


My approach to Integrative Wellness is rooted in the philosophy of Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology: the only way to truly heal pain, stress, trauma and other big emotions is to FEEL the emotion and process any triggers related to the pain, so the body can heal.


Every physical symptom has an underlying emotion attached to it. By tapping into the emotions hidden under any stress, pain or dis-ease and processing them, we are able to clear old patterns, limiting beliefs, sabotage programs, emotional stressors and shift physical symptoms from the body, which enables the body to do what it does best naturally – heal itself.


Contact me to set up a free 15-minute initial consultation to see if my services are right for you, or dive right in and book a session or course. 

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What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology uses the gentle art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s wellbeing. It combines Western techniques rooted in Chiropractic and Eastern wisdom based on the Chinese Acupuncture Meridian System to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.


The goal of any Kinesiology balance is to identify the underlying cause of any imbalance in the body’s energy system – whether physical, psychological, nutritional or energetic – and then help resolve it.


Muscle monitoring is used to gain direct feedback from the body to identify underlying stress patterns and their causes. At its most simple, it involves gentle pressure on a midpoint of any particular muscle. The muscles are used as a biofeedback system to identify the underlying cause of imbalance from the person’s subconscious mind via the nervous system.


A number of non-invasive scientific techniques are then used to correct imbalances and help maintain health in the physical body, emotional self and spiritual aspects of our lives, such as acupressure points, neurolymphatic and neurovascular reflexes, movement, and energetic techniques including colour and sound therapy.

What can it help with?

Kinesiology can help with any kind of stress. Our bodies are subjected to many stresses in everyday life. When they're not properly dealt with by the body they can create an imbalance in any of the body systems, which may present as:

  • Physical pain

  • Automimmune conditions

  • Depression and anxiety 

  • Concentration or learning difficulties 

  • Digestive or weight issues

  • Environmental toxicity (pollution, chemical) 

  • Fatigue 

  • Limiting beliefs

  • Sleep issues 

  • And more.


Kinesiology promotes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health by emphasising health maintenance, disease prevention, client education and client responsibility.

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