Kineasy Intro Course
Kineasy is your exciting first step to becoming a qualified kinesiologist as you begin your journey with one of Australia's leading Kinesiology modalities – Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology™. In just two days, you'll be introduced to the art and science of Kinesiology, and by the end of day two you will have learned the skills to perform a basic kinesiology balance from start to finish.
It's a truly transformational and empowering weekend. Before morning tea on day one you learn the most powerful tool in the Kinesiology toolkit – muscle testing – on both yourself and others. You'll then learn a clear process for using this skill to work with powerful remedies that release trauma, shift old patterns, and alleviate stress to leave you feeling energised, connected and at peace.
Read more below on how Kineasy can inspire a re-awakening of your passion and shift your perspective on the mind/body connection.

What you'll experience

♥ Conducted in a nurturing, hands-on practical, inclusive, comfortable and friendly group environment with like-minded souls.
♥ Play and feel into muscle reflex testing on other students, all before morning tea on Day 1!
♥ Relax as you balance the brain and nervous system with our powerful balancing protocol.
♥ Follow along using our comprehensive training manual with simple and easy to understand kinesiology processes, protocols and templates.
♥ Watch and experience your Instructor connecting and demonstrating a kinesiology session balance to witness the full process first hand.
♥ Practice techniques to muscle test on yourself for stress imbalances, emotions, healing remedies and to tap into your body and your body's needs.
♥ At the conclusion of day two, you will be able to confidently, comfortable and accurately muscle test on another person and conduct your first full mini kinesiology balance using our simple and powerful protocol with lots of fun, natural healing remedies.
♥ Enjoy the process, connect to yourself and others and understand the beauty and science of kinesiology throughout this course.

Remedies you work with in this course
Essential Oils
Oracle/Healing cards
Wellbeing Oils
Clearing Spray
Flower Essences
What you'll learn

★ What is kinesiology and muscle reflex testing.
★ What kinesiology may assist you with and the benefits of kinesiology.
★ Accurate indicator muscle reflex testing – standing and lying.
★ Muscle reflex testing pre-checks (Hydration, Central Meridian Energy, Brain Switching Points, Nervous System, Thymus Energy.
★ Inhibited (over-facilitated) muscles, and how to correct these.
★ Indicator change of an indicator muscle.
★ Skills and techniques to communicate and connect openly and genuinely with your client to build trust, open up their heart and allow them to feel (which is all part of the healing as 'feeling is healing').
★ A unique way to turn physical symptoms and emotional stressors into setting an empowering goal or intention and how to use a context in a balance.
★ Circuit retaining mode and jaw stacking for holding depth in a balance.
★ Emotional Stress Release Points (ESR).
★ Willingness statements.
★ Connection points - Spirit / Mind / Body-Heart / Earth.
★ Age recession to age of cause or age of best understanding.
★ Muscle reflex testing for involvement of self, others, circumstance, spirit.
★ How to test for emotions held in the body.
★ Kinesiology self testing with 'yes' or 'no' answers and how to use a pendulum for self testing.
★ Full set-up balancing protocol including a step-by-step easy to follow template to use with clients.
★ Plenty of practice time on massage tables to feel comfortable and confident attending other advanced kinesiology courses.
Course Details, Accreditation and Assessment

A clear, comprehensive, step-by-step 70+ page colour training manual with Kinesiology Balancing Protocol and Session Sheet template.
The investment for Kineasy is $800 including GST. This includes attendance at the course, training manual and any certificates attained.

There is no pre-requisite to attend Kineasy. Everyone is welcome to attend this introductory course - the first course in the EMK Modality Study Pathway.
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours Kineasy Intro Course will give you: 16 hours of attendance and 27 hours of proficiency.

Attendance: 16 hours
This course can be facilitated as either two full days from 9.00am to 5.30pm both days, or across three days from 9.15am to 2.45pm each day.
Course hours:
16 hours face-to-face in the classroom
11 hours out of class time, which includes a multiple choice assessment and 6 case studies.
Total Course Proficiency hours = 27 hours
This Kineasy Intro Course is a prerequisite course for the following intermediate and advanced courses as part of the EMK Modality Study pathway:
Mastery of the Five Elements Core Essence and Character
Chakra Healing Kinesiology
Meridian Rivers of Chi Kinesiology
Transpersonal Chakra Kinesiology
Aura Balancing Kinesiology
Practitioner Certification Training Program

Students will be required to demonstrate competency in oral, practical and multiple choice assessments with a 75% pass mark. Six case studies and a multiple-choice assessment must be completed post course to obtain proficiency. A Certificate of Attendance will be issued via email 16 hours after completion of class face-to-face hours. Once successful competency requirements have been met, a Certificate of Proficiency will be issued via email.

Accreditation hours:
By the Bay Kinesiology – 27 hours
Australian Kinesiology Association – 23 hours Category A
Australian Institute of Kinesiologists – 23 hours
Please note: the Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology™ Modality Practitioner Certification is independent, Trademarked and Copyright to By The Bay Kinesiology.
Ready to start your journey?